
Therapeutic Expedition: Equipping the Christian Counselor for the Journey is unavailable, but you can change that!

For undergraduates and those pursuing a master’s degree in counseling, psychology, social work, or pastoral counseling, Therapeutic Expedition is the only comprehensive basic helping skills textbook built upon a biblical world-view. Authors John C. Thomas and Lisa Sosin pull from their combined fifty years of clinical and classroom experience to prepare future counselors for their professional...

therapy, known as CBT (Beck, 1976; Burns, 1999), and encourage 12-step recovery meetings (Carnes, 2001) to address his sexual addiction. Likely the counseling goal would be to stop compulsive sexual behavior. Russ’s behavior would probably be seen as a problem because it is causing significant distress for him and those closest to him. Many traditional forms of counseling seem to use a “violation of personal standards” as the basis of determining the appropriateness or inappropriateness—or “rightness”
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